Welcome to
Sunday Worship Services
9 AM Contemporary
11 AM Traditional

A Church Where …
Worship is lively. The Bible is taught. Traditional moral values are affirmed.
Close friendships are made. Men and women are encouraged to serve.
Our community is valued. Jesus is followed. And where someone knows your name!
Join us for worship at 9 & 11 AM on Sunday mornings.
"The church you’ve been looking for."
What I Love About Alps Road Presbyterian Church

We invite all people to come into the fellowship of God’s love through Jesus Christ. Our heart’s desire is to help others know the warm, encouraging, and saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Worship is the way we express our devotion to God, through both personal prayer and corporate worship. When we worship, we deepen our love for God and others.
The call of Christ is to grow in wisdom, love, faith, and Christian maturity. We help one another love God and others better. Through struggles and perseverance, we find God faithful to bring healing to every part of our lives.
We love our world and community because Christ loved it and gave himself for it. We look globally to reach the unreached but especially focus on our “Mission in a Mile” that is right around us
Our Mission
To Connect People With God and Others
To Hold to the Great Beliefs and Values of the Christian Faith
To Make Christian Disciples Who Live Out Their Faith in the World

Visiting? What to Expect.
We would like your first visit at Alps Road Presbyterian Church
to be relaxed and one you and your family will enjoy.
9:00 Contemporary Worship - Energetic and reflective praise and worship music with guitars, keyboards, and drums. (downstairs near the rear of the building)
10:00 Sunday School - Classes for all ages
11:00 Traditional Worship Instrumental music including organ, piano, and choir. Most of the songs are sung from the hymnbook, which is found in the pews. A volunteer orchestra plays along with the congregational singing. (downstairs sanctuary)
For the traditional service, come in through the double doors under the covered drive-through. Park in the upper lot to the right of the building or in the insurance company lot next door.
For the contemporary service, come in through the back doors facing Pine Valley Drive. You can park near the doors in the back of the church or in the upper lot or in the insurance building parking lot.
We have volunteers at every door to help direct you to the worship services and to help you find the nursery or classes for all ages. Click here to learn more about our children's programs.
During worship services, children age 4 through 5th grade start out in the worship service with you and can then leave for their own worship time about midway through (just before the sermon) in the contemporary service and after the children's sermon in the traditional service. If you cannot find the nursery or have other questions, ask one of our volunteers.
As you enter the contemporary worship area at 9 or the sanctuary at 11, someone will hand you a worship bulletin listing the music, sermon topic, etc.
Come a few minutes early and someone will help you find your way!
You can also watch this video tour of the church.