A Prayer for the Cuban People and the Christian Church in Cuba

Since the Cuban Revolution in 1959, relations between the United States and Cuba have been strained. In 1961, as part of the Cold War, the diplomatic relationship between the two countries was severed. Part of this included a commercial, economic, and financial embargo of the nation that has made it illegal for United States corporations to do business in Cuba. In 2014, President Barack Obama announced plans for a process of normalizing relations. He visited Cuba and met with then-President Raul Castro. The presidencies of Donald Trump and Joe Biden reversed this policy, however, and current policy reflects the pre-Obama era.

There are different viewpoints on what is the best policy for America’s relation to Cuba. One thing is clear: the Cuban people suffer. Their government does not always work for their best interests; the embargo makes everyday life difficult because it leaves the common person without many ordinary necessities; and the Christian church suffers from a constant persecution that stunts its growth and vitality.

How then shall we pray for the church in Cuba and the Cuban people? Allow me to offer a prayer for them on our behalf.

Dear Gracious Lord and Savior,

You came to provide salvation to all people, no matter their race, language, or location. You love us all with an everlasting love that knows no bounds. Clearly you love the Cuban people just as much as you love us.

We confess, O Lord, that we, as Americans, sometimes feel as if we deserve our many blessings. While we are the beneficiaries of wise founders who gave us a constitution that has served us well, we are the fortunate recipients of many benefits. Forgive us for feeling as if we have earned what we have because of our special status in your sight.

We pray that you will raise up faith in the Cuban people. We remember the words of our Savior who said, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.” We ask, O Lord, that the economic poverty of the Cuban people will awaken spiritual need that leads to grace. We pray that their physical hunger will not only be satisfied with abundant food but also spiritual bread. We pray that their mourning will turn into joy in your presence as they find their strength, their courage, and their salvation in you.

We ask for healing between our two nations that will work for the prosperity, freedom, and reconciliation of both our people. May freedom reign in both our lands. May people find meaningful labor and be rewarded for those labors. May leaders be wise and willing to sacrifice their own interests for the good of the people. Most of all, we pray for a revival of faith that will unite our people in new ways through our common bond in Jesus Christ.

As Americans, remind us, O Lord, of the words of Jesus who said (Luke 6:24-26), “Woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full now, for you shall be hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep.” May a spirit of humility fill us so that we remember the source of our blessings, serve you with fervent hearts, and use our resources for the good of others. Bless the Cuban and American people, we ask, and especially build your church in both these lands.

In Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

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