Day 17 - Pray for Overseas Workers

To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.... Ephesians 6:18

For whom should we pray? The Bible’s answer is “for all the saints.” The word “saint” is not used in the Bible to refer to special people of extraordinary character and witness. Rather, it is the Bible’s term for all Christians, who are set apart and made holy for the work of God. Paul encourages people to pray for all God’s people and to do so with perseverance.

Why should we pray for others? Because they are part of the same body of Christ as we are. We are not a group of separate individuals. In Christ we are members of the same body. As Paul reminds us in I Corinthians 12, the body cannot do without all its members. Each adds something to the work and witness of Christ. Even members who may seem on the surface to be less important are not. As Paul reminds us, in our body our most prominent parts may be the least important. So it is in the church of Jesus Christ. Since we are members of one body, it is our responsibility to hold each other up to God in prayer.

Intercessory prayer for others is a basic Christian responsibility. As long as we live, we are called to pray for others. The Lord’s Prayer reminds us of the corporate nature of the Christian church because in it we pray “our Father” and “our debts,” instead of “my Father” and “my debts.” Those who undergo illness or other difficulties often report feeling the prayers of others. Christianity believes that the prayers of the people of God have a real effect. The scriptures command us to pray for others. They would not do so if God did not hear these prayers.

Today remember to pray for overseas workers seeking to spread the gospel. Their labors are difficult, and they can become easily discouraged. They may not see the fruit of their labors for many years. Pray for courage, determination, and wisdom for them. Pray for their families, especially their children. Particularly pray for our sister church in Cuba, Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada Central de Matanzas, and for overseas workers we support:

• Ary Fernandez and Beidy Casas

• Veda Shaheen Gill

• George and Jeanne Haugen

• John and Corie Shields

• Chris and Kim Todd

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Day 18 - Pray to Be Less Anxious


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