What Is ECO Presbyterian?

“I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

This morning, we celebrate our congregational life together and particularly our life as an ECO congregation. ECO stands for A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. It is a Presbyterian denomination formed in January of 2012. There are some important values that characterize ECO as a denomination.

One is that ECO beliefs are expressed in a set of Essential Tenets. This document is part of the ECO constitution and serves as a binding theological statement of beliefs for all who would serve as pastors and officers in any ECO congregation. It affirms the two “central Christian mysteries,” the Trinity and the incarnation. It affirms two sacraments and encourages ongoing sanctification, which includes a life of prayer and self-examination guided by the Ten Commandments. In addition, ECO affirms a number of creedal statements, including the Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, Heidelberg Catechism, Barmen Declaration, and Westminster standards.

One important value of ECO is being “egalitarian.” This means that it ordains women to the offices of pastor, elder, and deacon. It practices the baptism of infants and children. Communion is not limited to church members, but all who put their trust in Jesus Christ are invited to the table. Members are called “Covenant Partners.”

ECO polity (church government) is representative. That is, each governing body elects representatives to serve in leadership. The congregation elects elders and deacons. Local congregations elect elders to represent the congregation at the presbytery and synod level. Once a year, the denomination meets together in a National Gathering. There are 22 geographical presbyteries, each containing 10-40 congregations. Our presbytery is called the “Presbytery of the South” and contains 30 congregations in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and (mostly) Georgia. Currently, there are over 400 congregations in ECO with about 127,000 covenant partners.

ECO seeks to be a movement, not just a denomination. It seeks to build flourishing churches that make disciples for Jesus Christ. As a way to do so, every congregation is required to participate in a Ministry Affiliation Group (MAG) in order to partner with other churches in fellowship and resourcing. Our congregation meets once a year with the Sessions of Rock Presbyterian Church in Greenwood, South Carolina and Fairview Presbyterian Church, in Augusta, Georgia. Each pastor is required to participate in a group with other pastors for support, learning, and encouragement.

The hope of the denomination is to embody a “livable theology” that can be effectively practiced in the world. Our view of the sovereignty of God enables us to risk new things for the sake of the gospel. Our call is to deeply influence culture, not just protect theological truths. Our passion is to renew the minds of people to embody the faith of Jesus every day. ECO’s four top priorities are to lift up the centrality of the gospel, grow with an emerging generation of leaders, prioritize a wave of church innovation, and create an atmosphere of relational accountability.

I am proud that our congregation is a member of A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. It gives us a solid foundation, as a congregation, from which to grow into the future.


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